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Entangled Threads

Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart has been making her works of art for more than 25 years. She has traveled and shown her work in Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, France (Paris), England (London), Italy, and Greece as well as throughout the United States.

I am an artist who makes her marks with a needle and thread. My visual journals give birth to my quilts and are the evidence of my existence. The dialogue between the viewer and the art allows me to integrate my historical, present, future voices, thus communicating with all generations. It is my purpose in the making of my art to guide one to discover a self-actualization of the human spirit–an ongoing conversation between the artist and the viewer. I cherish my freedom to speak through my dyed fabrics, beads, embellishments, and found objects. This visual fiber text has helped me discover a serene appreciation for my own being and often calms my spiritual soul in today’s chaotic stream of life.

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