Organization FAQs
For questions regarding support for organizations, please contact for further assistance.
Grants & Funding For Organizations
Is there a restriction on how many I can apply for?
- Applicants can receive one General Support award per calendar year. Organizations receiving General Support cannot apply for Operating or Project Support.
What happens after I'm awarded?
- Following the approval of a grant, a grant agreement specifying the terms of the grant will be available in the online application system under the “Requires Attention” heading.
- GCAC requires that all organizations and artists receiving funding demonstrate the public value of the arts by making others aware of awards received and acknowledging public funders.
Can I apply via mail?
- No, all applications are submitted through our SmartSimple application portal. If you require assistance or technology, contact to set up an appointment.
How are awards calculated?
- Each grant program has its own review and determination process. Refer to the program guidelines for more details.
How should organizations collect data?
- When collecting data from staff and board, follow these steps and principles:
- Plan ahead to get complete date – it may take time to get complete surveys from all board/staff.
- Survey your board/staff in writing: DON’T GUESS, ALWAYS ASK.
- When surveying board/staff, make all parts voluntary by including a “prefer not to answer” or “decline to state” option for each question.
- Tell your board/staff how you will store and use demographic information and respect confidentiality.
Is demographic data going to be collected?
- Basic demographic information is collected as part of the grant application process. Organizations are required to report on the demographics of their staff and board of directors. We view data collection as an essential tool to our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
When are applications due?
- Each program has its own application submission date; all Applications close at 5:00PM
What are some eligibility requirements for organizations?
- Each grant has its own eligibility guidelines, here are common points:
- Organizations must have their own 501(c)(3) status for at least 3 consecutive years
- Primary focus and actual operations are artistic or cultural in nature
- Based in and primarily serving the city of Columbus
- Engage and compensate professional artists
- Demonstrate exemplary artistic achievement
What does GCAC not fund?
- Units of government
- Organizations that are not tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3)
- Independent projects without an eligible Fiscal Sponsor
- Instructional/educational programming outside of a larger project
- Religious programming
- Fundraisers
- Elimination or reduction of financial liability
- Previously completed activities
- Organizations that do not have arts & culture as its primary mission
- Competitions or awards shows
- Solely Arts education or youth programming
- Arts therapy programs or projects that primarily use the arts as a tool to raise awareness for a cause
What grants does GCAC have available for organizations?
- Capital Expense
- Construction and maintenance of vital capital assets
- General Support
- Qualifying organizations with budgets under $500,000
- Project Support
- Mural Assistance
- Nonprofits for the creation of murals within Columbus
- Thrive
- Organizations and collectives led by & serving BIPOC
- Operating Support
- Invite only for previously approved organizations with budgets over $500,000