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2024 Artists Elevated Award – Invitation Only

Application Portal
Application Portal


In 2021, the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) launched Artists Elevated, an endowment campaign to uplift professional artists through a larger individual investment. Artists Elevated awards will be partially funded by the GCAC Community Fund, GCAC’s endowment at the Columbus Foundation. Awards are focused on providing more substantial funds to Columbus-based artists who have been working professionally for at least three years. The goal of the Artists Elevated award is to provide a more financially meaningful investment in artists to help move them forward in their career.



Over 300 local nominators (including nonprofit arts organizations, arts administrators, curators, producers, past Artists Elevated award recipients, arts supporters, gallery owners, community leaders, performance venue owners, and publishers) are invited to nominate local artists. All nominated artists will receive an email invitation to submit application materials. Artists previously nominated will automatically be invited to apply.

Who is eligible to apply?

This award program is INVITATION ONLY. Artists who are nominated through the official nomination process will receive an email invitation and must also meet the following requirements:

  • Are working artists (age 18 and older);

o Description:

  • The artist is likely paid for performances, sells their artwork and/or shares their body of work regularly with the general public
  • Applicants must submit individual work; collaborations are not eligible for this award.
  • Work primarily in one of the following artistic disciplines: Dance, Fashion, Film, Literary, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts.
  • Currently live in and have had residency in Franklin County for at least three years prior to the date of application.
  • Are NOT enrolled as degree-seeking undergraduate students.

NOTE: Award recipients must remain residents of central Ohio for the entire award period (one year).


Nominated Artists Receive Email Invitation to Apply July 17, 2024
Application Due August 15, 2024, 5:00 pm
Applicants Notified of Decision September 26, 2024
Brief Survey Due from Winners August 31, 2025

Application Questions & Uploads

How many artists will be selected? What is the award amount?

In 2024, seven (7) artists will be awarded an unrestricted cash award of $25,000 each. Artists will only be eligible for one Artists Elevated award in their lifetime. Finalists will receive $1,500 each.

What are the application questions?

  1. Please include an artist statement – a concise overview of your artistic practice and principles. This should include who you are as an artist, what you do, and why you do it. Is there something about your approach, style or ethos that is uniquely you or sets you apart?.
  2. How would you define the next stage in your artistic journey? Where would you put your career on a continuum: early career, mid-career, established artist, or celebrated artist?
  3. What could this award do to elevate your career/work? What steps do you hope to take to overcome life/artistic obstacles and elevate your artistic work and career? Be specific and note tactics.

After Submitting - Reviews & Scoring

Review, evaluation, and selection

Artists Elevated applications are reviewed by a jury panel of seven national experts for each artistic discipline (Dance, Fashion, Film, Literary, Music, Theater, and Visual Arts). The panel will select up to seven finalists and seven award recipients.

Selection criteria will include overall artistic excellence and innovation, artist statement, and potential award impact on the artist’s career.


Following a decision by the jury panel, applicants will be notified by email of the determination.

After Awarded - Contracts, Payments, Reporting

Grant Agreement

Following the selection as the recipient of the Artists Elevated award, a grant agreement specifying the terms will be available in GoArts under the “Requires Attention” heading. To accept the award, review the grant agreement and digitally sign by the date indicated.


  • All artists retain ownership of their work.
  • The Greater Columbus Arts Council retains the rights to use the likeness of the artist and application and/or survey quotes from the artists in future promotional and donor materials.

Publicity/Donor Acknowledgement

Once you are awarded, say “Thanks!” in a public way. GCAC requires that all artists receiving funding demonstrate the value of the arts by making others aware of awards received and acknowledging donors. Refer to the Awards: Publicity/Donor Acknowledgement pages at the end of this document for details of the contractual publicity requirements.

Award Ceremony

Recipients are required to attend 2024 GCAC’s Big Arts Night, date and details to come.


Recipients of the Artists Elevated Awards will receive 100% of their award following the receipt of a digitally signed grant agreement. Please note that awards are considered taxable income and a form 1099 will be mailed to award recipients. Consult with a tax advisor to discuss possible tax implications related to grants/awards provided by GCAC.


The Greater Columbus Arts Council thanks the many donors to the GCAC Community Fund at the Columbus Foundation. Donors to the endowment fund make this award possible this year and for many years to come.

NOTE: A brief survey from recipients is due August 31, 2025. To complete your survey, log in to the application portal, scroll down to “Reports to Complete.”

Publicity Requirements

The Greater Columbus Arts Council requires that all individual artists receiving funding demonstrate the value of the arts by acknowledging support from the Greater Columbus Arts Council. Failure to credit GCAC for awards may jeopardize future funding.


On first reference in text, please refer to us as the “Greater Columbus Arts Council.” On second reference, you may use GCAC.


Social Media

When your award is approved, say “thanks” on social media! Like and tag the Greater Columbus Arts Council and Columbus Makes Art pages on Facebook, use @GCAC_Cbus on X and/or include hashtags #gcacgrants and #artmakescbus on Instagram

Thank Donors

Thanking donors for their support is important for the future vitality of arts and culture in Columbus. Please provide a letter of gratitude that can be shared with past and potential donors about the impact of the award. When complete, mail or drop off the letter at the GCAC Offices: 182 E Long Street.

If you need guidance drafting the letter, reach out to Executive Assistant Sue Jones at

Share the News

Public Relations

When publicizing your award please thank the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the donors to the GCAC Community Fund at the Columbus Foundation. Acknowledge award support in press releases and mention the Greater Columbus Arts Council in newspaper interviews, media/promotional appearances and event/performance announcements and curtain speeches.