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Greater Columbus Arts Council Awards Second Cycle of Support for Professional Artists Grants of 2022

in Press Releases August 2, 2022 2 min read

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Board of Trustees at the Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) approved the following grants this month: 204 Support for Professional Artists grants totaling $242,348.

Support for Professional Artists

Support for Professional Artists grants are intended to assist individual artists and groups of artists creating together on a permanent basis in making new art, growing artistic skills and marketing to a broader audience.


Abel $2,000
A Cure for Love $1,800
Boomshanka $1,200
Connections $2,000
Flautango $1,000
Flogo Shaggins $2,000
Laura Camara and the Jake Reed Jazz Trio $2,000
Long Tall Deb & Colin John $2,000
Sacred Music and Utpola Borah Group $2,000
Tony Hagood Trio $2,000
Wastemen $2,000
Waves de Aché $2,000
Wicked Messenger $2,000

TOTAL: $24,000



Abeer Abo-Shihata $1,197
Max Adrian $1,200
Seth Alexander $1,000
Cristyn Allen-Steward $1,200
Joseph Amadio $1,199
Cynthia Amoah $1,200
Amber Apel $1,193
Nicholas Arganbright $1,200
Shelley Baird $1,000
Kat Barnhart $1,000
George Barrie $1,200
Noah Beamon Spore $1,200
Dorian Bell $1,200
Edna Mae Berkey $1,200
Lauren Best $1,075
Laura Bidwa $1,200
Kevin Bilapka $1,200
Aaron Bishara $1,050
Joel Blaeser $1,059
Carrie Boerio $1,200
Ricky Borgia $1,200
Jessica Boushie $1,200
Rick Braveheart $1,177
KaTanya Brewer $1,200
Julie Yvette Brice $1,200
Meghan Buchanan $1,200
Tiffani Buck $1,200
Rebecca Burdock $1,200
Christopher Burk $1,005
Michael Bush $1,170
Molly Cairney $980
Derrick Callender $1,200
Karen Campbell $732
Madi Cano $1,200
Maggie Cappelletti $1,200
Jonathan Capps $1,200
Abby Carter $1,200
Christian Casas $915
Randall Chafins $1,200
Belinda Channels $1,200
Edwin Channels $1,200
Olivia Chapman $1,200
Craig Chavis, Jr. $720
Terreece Clarke $1,200
Tiffany Cook $1,200
Jennalee Cook $1,200
Lydia Cornett $1,200
Joseph Cross $1,200
Miles Curtiss $1,200
Katie Davis $1,200
Tara DeFrancisco $750
Natalie Della Selva $870
Sheila Denanyoh $1,200
Rocco Di Pietro $1,200
Gus Dieker $1,200
Al DiLorenzo $1,200
LaToya Dowdell-Burger $1,200
Jessica Driscoll $1,173
Sara Dzwonczyk $1,125
Steven Elbert $1,200
Maggie Ervin $1,200
Sydney Frank $543
Alexandra Fresch $1,200
Stasha Gacpar $1,200
Maria Gallagher $1,040
Sabrina Garcia-Santos $1,200
Chris Gatton $1,200
Christopher Genheimer $1,200
Melanie Gillman $1,200
Praise Godswill $1,035
Antonio Gonzalez $1,200
Tavian Gray $645
Nakita Griffin $1,000
Keith Griffin $1,200
Amy Haggard $1,200
Larry Hamill $1,200
Colette Harrell $1,200
Samantha Harthoorn $1,200
AJ Heckman $1,200
Kayla Holdgreve $1,200
Lucas Holmes $1,200
Eric Homan $1,075
Lisa Horkin $1,200
Jamie Hoy $1,200
Jessica Hughes $1,182
Candice Igeleke $1,200
Grayson James $1,200
Jewell Jessie $1,200
TeeShanee Johnson $1,200
Samuel Johnson $1,200
Tala Kanani $1,200
Maxwell Kilcup $1,200
William Klein $1,200
Denise Lancaster $1,200
Frank Lawson $1,200
Nathaniel Linek $1,200
Noah Lint $744
Brenda Lloyd $1,200
Amanda Love $1,200
Claire Lowe $1,200
Ana Lowe $1,200
Louise Mackey $1,200
Elizabeth Mandic-Nowac $1,200
Fredrik Marsh $1,200
LaTosha Matthews $1,105
Dominique Mattox $1,200
Andrew Maughan $1,200
Nyama McCarthy-Brown $1,200
Alexis McCrimmon $1,200
Trek Micacchione $1,200
Cody F. Miller $1,200
Julie Miller $1,200
Alexis Mitchell $1,200
Lawrence Mitchell $410
Arta Moayeri $1,200
Sonje Moore $1,200
Kristin Morris $1,200
Marcus Morris $1,186
Chloe Napoletano $1,200
Aleesha Nash $995
Eric Nassau $1,200
Ardine Nelson $1,200
Brad Noble $1,115
Patricia Nolan $1,100
Ken Nurenberg $1,200
Stokley Onuba $1,200
Carmen Ostermann $1,200
Claudia Owusu $1,200
Alexander Paat $1,150
Rourke Papania $1,200
Bradley Pargeon $1,200
Emma Parker $1,200
Kelleyanne Pearman-Leasure $1,200
Howard Peppercorn $1,200
Evangelia Philippidis $1,200
Jerry Pierce $1,200
Samantha Pitts $900
Xuena Pu $1,199
Sharone Putter $1,200
Sadia Rehman $1,199
Nate Ricciuto $1,200
Erica Rodney $1,186
Stephanie Rond $1,200
Sydney Rose $1,200
Ethan Rucker $1,200
Eliana Saari $1,200
Laura Sanders $1,050
Mireya Schoo $1,200
Don Scott $1,200
Cheyenne Shigley $152
Josiah Six $1,200
Ben Slobodien $1,200
Andy Smith $1,200
Jesse Smith $1,200
Lydia Smith $1,200
Garrett Sohnly $1,100
Mary Steigerwald $1,200
Luke Stettner $1,200
Vernon Strain II $1,200
Spencer Stultz $1,200
Robert Tavani $1,185
Z. F. Taylor $1,200
Sheila Terry $1,200
Paisha Thomas $1,200
Naneyere Thomas $1,096
Jonathan Thomas $1,200
Jared Thorne $1,000
Molly Todd $1,200
Whitley Trusler $1,200
Mason Uhrig $720
Hans Utter $1,200
Anna VanWalsen $752
Melissa Vogley Woods $1,200
Rachel Wagner $900
Antuan Walker $1,200
Tianshu Wang $1,200
Ana Maria (Ria) Waugh $1,200
Weiting Wei $1,000
Jason Weihl $1,200
Karin Weston $1,194
Allison Whisman $1,200
Maria White $1,200
Quatric Williams $1,200
Corey Williams $1,200
Chyna Williams $1,200
Aaron Wilson $1,200
Carmen Winant $1,200
Lynne Wise $1,200
Aimee Wissman $1,200
Mark Zonakis $1,000
David Zuppo $1,200

TOTAL: $218,348

For more information on community funding, including guidelines and upcoming deadlines, go to or contact the Grants & Services team at or (614) 224-2606.

Mission of the Greater Columbus Arts Council: To support and advance the arts and cultural fabric of Columbus.

The Greater Columbus Arts Council receives major financial support from the City of Columbus, Franklin County Commissioners and the Ohio Arts Council.

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CONTACT: Jami Goldstein
(614) 221-8492