April 28 Summit will highlight the future of film and the opportunities the industry holds for Columbus and Ohio
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Film Columbus will hold its annual Film Columbus Summit on Film and Entertainment (Film Summit) on Thursday, April 28, from 1-5 p.m. at Gateway Film Center. The Summit aims to bring together industry professionals, city officials and filmmakers for discussions on growing the industry in Ohio.
The Summit returns this year after the cancellation of the 2020 event and postponement of the 2021 summit due to COVID. “We’re excited to be able to gather in person again to discuss this industry, which continues to grow in Columbus,” said John Daugherty, film commissioner and director of Film Columbus.
The Summit will include discussions on multiple major developments in the industry including introduction of new legislation in Ohio that would create more effective tax credits. “Having a few movies come through the state and use the entire available tax credit isn’t sustainable,” said Daugherty. “So we’re looking at how we can redefine this sector to include entertainment technology as a whole. This new definition would include not only film and television, but animation, gaming, VR, AR and visual effects.”
This year the Above the Line/Below the Line panel will include producer and Columbus native Elizabeth Bell who will be delivering the keynote. Also on the panel, Columbus native and writer/director Colin West, whose film Linoleum opens the Cinema Columbus Film Festival on Wednesday, April 27 at the Southern Theatre, will discuss creating opportunities in Columbus. Actress Amy Hargreaves who stars in Linoleum and was the female lead in last year’s Columbus-based film They/Them/Us also joins the panel. Hargreaves’ other credits include 13 Reasons Why and Homeland. Otis Winston, a Columbus-based actor who has appeared in Venom 2 and is in the upcoming Gerard Butler film The Plane also will be participating on the panel.
A networking session after the summit, sponsored by the Gravitate Marketplace and Conference, will give local and Ohio-based filmmakers along with IP and content creators an opportunity to meet with executives from streamers and distributors. Gravitate will take place in October, 2022.
A screening of the award-winning film The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain will take place at 7 p.m. The film was produced by Ohio native and Columbus transplant Julianna Politsky. Polisky will be on hand for a Q&A after the film and will also be participating in a panel earlier in the day.
“We’re excited to present a summit this year that’s packed with great information and panels, and networking to encourage people working in the industry to make connections,” said Daugherty.
To register for the Film Summit for free and view a complete list of topics, screenings and panelists please visit https://tinyurl.com/filmsummit22.
About the Greater Columbus Film Commission: The Greater Columbus Film Commission (Film Columbus) aims to grow the film industry in Columbus and central Ohio by creating jobs and providing significant economic impact for the area. Film Columbus strives to build Columbus as a top city for film education, exhibition, and production. Film Columbus is a division of the Greater Columbus Arts Council and is primarily supported by funds provided by the City of Columbus. For more information, visit filmcolumbus.com.
Mission of the Greater Columbus Arts Council: To support and advance the arts and cultural fabric of Columbus. www.gcac.org
The Greater Columbus Arts Council receives major financial support from the City of Columbus, Franklin County Commissioners and the Ohio Arts Council.
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CONTACT: John Daugherty
(614) 221-8648