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The Greater Columbus Arts Council and Shadowbox Live Announce Artists Selected to Participate in Gallery of Echoes: ColumbUS Public Art

in Press Releases October 6, 2015 2 min read

Columbus, Ohio – The Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) in collaboration with Shadowbox Live has announced the 20 artists selected to participate in the 2016 Gallery of Echoes: ColumbUS Public Art.  The selected artists’ work will be used as inspiration for musical pieces to be performed during the 2016 Columbus Arts Festival. The selected works will also be on display at various venues around Columbus. Each artist will be paid a $500 honorarium by the Arts Council and will receive recognition on the displayed work.

The recipients are: 

Adam Brouillette, Unforgiving Tale

Amandda Tirey, Bloodfly Juice

Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson, King Abubakari II

April Sunami, Possessing the Secret of Joy

ARC Industries, Ladder
Lead Artists: Christina Blevens; Lloyd Asbury; Sasha Spikes; Theresa Whitlow
Contributing Artists: Adam Pfirsch; Chris Oliver; Daniel Wycuff; Heath Woodruff; Heather Moore; John Smith; Joy Hale; Krystal Okeke; Richard Furney; Sarah Bakies; Stephanie Spencer

Catherine Bell Smith, 9th Hour

Chelsea Bennett, My I

Christopher Tennant, The Ghoul

David Butler, Fires of Winter

Larry Hamill

Jaiymie Kiggins, Resting In Pieces

Jeffrey Crisafulli, Trees

Jerry Seabaugh, Pleasing Form

Katie Golonka, Cherry Alley

Mireya Schoo, Metamorphosis

Rachel Schutt, Antennae Galaxies

Richard Duarte Brown, Pass the Brush

Roger Williams, Speed Vortex

Said Oladejo-Lawal, Hear My Heart

Stephanie Rond, We the People, Yearning to Breathe Free

The seven-member Selection Committee included highly respected arts and community leaders as well as representatives from the city of Columbus and major cultural institutions. Each member brought a unique perspective from the community and expertise in the arts.

The 20 recipients were selected based on the criteria of: artistic merit and the ability to inspire theatrical interpretation, and designs that do not have sharp edges that could cause injury or harm when on display in public.

About Shadowbox Live:  Shadowbox Live is a non-profit 501c3 performance troupe that self-produces a wide range of shows, as well as runs the company on a day-to-day basis. The top managers of the company make up the Board of Trustees and operate as the primary creators, producers, and performers for the shows.

For over twenty years this creative force has produced world-class productions, including original rock operas, traditional musicals, fine art exhibits, contemporary dance, and video / television. An ensemble company of dedicated performers, Shadowbox Live is a healthy, vibrant, self-sustaining arts organization

About the Greater Columbus Arts Council:  Through vision and leadership, advocacy and collaboration, the Greater Columbus Arts Council supports art and advances the culture of the region. A catalyst for excellence and innovation, the Arts Council funds exemplary artists and arts organizations and provides programs, events and services of public value that educate and engage all audiences in our community. The Arts Council thanks the City of Columbus and the Ohio Arts Council for their continued support.

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CONTACT: Jami Goldstein
(614) 221-8492